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The Christian Science Monitor

Webinar talks on Christian Science
Are prayer and healing for you? I mean if you have no experience with spirituality or religion, or you think you're not even sure what you think about God, can you still pray and be healed?
Yes. Because prayer and healing are natural to us, and I say this as one who didn’t even grow up in a religious household. But what I’ve discovered as I’ve studied Christian Science is that a willingness to shift perspectives, to see things in a new, more spiritual way, has an effect--for anyone. In my lecture, I’ll share more about the fundamentals of effective prayer, as I’ve learned from studying Christian Science, as well as how healing is truly possible for everyone.
The talk will focus on universal healing precepts found in the Holy Bible, especially in Christ Jesus’ life and teachings, showing how they are available for anyone to understand and experience through the lens of Christian Science.“We will explore the simplicity, the freedom, the power of strength of Jesus’ ideas in the Bible that altogether make a coherent system of healing,” says Fischer. “This helps to understand more of our relationship with God, and the impact it has on our daily life.”
Everyone is welcome at churches, societies, and informal groups all around the globe, as well as at world headquarters, The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., USA.